The Groundfridge is a new cooling system based on a basic principle that goes back centuries. It is the ultimate innovative version of the traditional root cellar. It answers to the needs of people and companies who have their own vegetable garden or wine collection and who lead modern, self-providing lives. The Groundfridge is an autonomic operating and naturally cooled cellar: an innovative version of the traditional root cellar for today’s sustainable companies and cosmopolitans with their own vegetable garden who lead modern, self-providing lives. The Groundfridge uses the insulating capacity of the ground and the cooler night air temperatures. This allows the temperature within the Groundfridge to remain steady and cool throughout the entire year – the perfect temperature to store fruits, vegetables, wine and cheese for example. The lightweight Groundfridge is very easy to transport and install and placing it doesn’t require any permits like a normal cellar would. The Groundfridge is dug in and covered with the excavated soil from its new location. This covering layer of soil is about 1 meter thick and has sufficient insulating properties for the core temperature within the Groundfridge to barely vary. Furthermore, your Groundfridge is fitted with a ventilator. This battery-driven ventilator offers you the option of setting ventilation times to your desired specifications. Night venting will have a positive effect on reducing interior temperature, as letting the cold night air can see it drop rather rapidly. We recommend venting your Groundfridge at least one full hour every twenty-four hours.
Warka Water Inc is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit focused on innovative, and truly sustainable solutions, to some of humanity’s most enduring issues. Warka Water’s President Arturo Vittori has been invited to present the non-profit work at numerous prestigious international institutions such as United Nations Headquarters and events such as TEDx talks. His presentation subjects vary: the Environment, Sustainable Development, Potable Water, Housing, the Status of Women, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Vernacular Architecture, Biomimicry, Cutting Edge technologies Ancient Traditions, Sustainable Tourism, Art and Crafts, and more. Warka Water’s work has been exhibited internationally within some of the most prestigious Art, Design, and Science Museums such as the London Design Museum, Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum in New York, the MAXXI in Rome, etc. Warka Water (WW) mission is to provide clean water, sanitation, and housing to the people in need, by building infrastructure and facilities, providing technical training for construction, operation, and maintenance, and creating educational programs for sanitary and hygiene practices. We are developing sustainable solutions that will empower individuals for generations to come. Warka Village is an integrated community designed to host up to 100 people, from Pygmies and other local ethnic groups, in need to live with dignity. An example of collaboration with the local community, on how to construct using indigenous techniques and local natural materials that respect the cultural identity of the place. Warka Tower is designed to harvest water from the atmosphere (rain, fog, dew) providing an alternative water source for rural populations that face challenges accessing drinkable water. It is a passive structure, it functions only by natural phenomena such as gravity, condensation & evaporation. In 2015 the first Warka Tower pilot was constructed in Dorze, a rural community in south Ethiopia. After this successful initiative, we have founded the “Warka Water Inc.” non-profit, based in the USA, as a platform for our social actions. With the experience acquired working with rural communities, we realized that above the water scarcity there were other important issues we could help with. This is why additional projects have been developed, for integrated and sustainable aid. Warka House, is a sustainable residential unit built with local natural materials. It is inspired by traditional African houses, improving the drawbacks and keeping the cultural features. It offers higher standards of hygiene and comfort thanks to the insulated floor, rain waterproof roof, natural ventilation, and mosquito protection. Warka Sanitation provides safe water for washing (sanitation and personal hygiene) and adequate latrines. With a dry system, human waste is turned into useful compost. With separated facilities (men/women), each toilet has 2 outlets: urine and excrement (liquid / solid waste). Warka Kitchen is a common space for the community for food preparation in a safe and controlled environment. It is also a social space for the villagers to eat together. The preparation of food takes place in a hygienic and well-organized setting for the preparation of traditional food. Warka Clinic It provides access to basic quality and affordable health care. It provides health services such as general consultations, laboratory screening, pre-pharmacy with essential drugs, maternal and child health services, maternity space and delivery room, immunization services, general health education, and traditional natural medicine. Warka Garden provides food for the community. The vegetables can be sold to the local market, so it can also be a source of revenue for the community. It represents an investment to implement economical possibilities. The WG is modular and varies in size. An efficient water irrigation system will be adopted to optimize the usage of the water. Warka Solar provides electrical energy from sunlight. This can bring a big change in community lifestyle, giving the chance to practice activities after the sunset as well as to recharge devices such as mobile phones. It is designed as a modular system depending on the necessity, the project scale, and the available budget. The name ‘Warka’ comes from the Warka Tree, which is a wild large fig tree, endemic to Ethiopia. It has an important symbolic value, it is the centre of the local community, fundamental for the local ecosystem, and offers a gathering place. Moreover, it has also a spiritual meaning, where they pray to God. Innovative, eco-friendly, biodegradable infrastructures, to support the basic needs of disadvantaged populations located in remote rural locations. Truly sustainable projects through the fusion of local traditional knowledge, and cutting-edge technologies. Involvement of the human local resources in all the stages of the project. Beyond potable water, they aim to empower the local ethnic groups and restore the natural ecosystem. To bring a positive impact on the community by invigorating the local economy and providing women and children opportunities to invest their time in care, education, and other cultural and productive activities. Currently, they are active in Cameroon where they are constructing the Warka Village. They are also undertaking the first steps to bring help to some rural isolated communities in Haiti, Togo.
I am a Zambian born, comes from a family of 8 and the youngest of the Mwilas. My siblings always thought I was spoilt because I was the youngest, but I don’t think so! I was born in a town called Mufulira on the Copper belt side of Zambia in 1981,the Copper belt province is rich with mineral finds and Mines, hence the name. I am Married to Eric and we have a beautiful daughter called Chanda, she is 15 years. I completed my matric in 1999 and my mother advised me to study food production since I loved cooking, I did it for her though it was a course that I never dreamt of studying. I graduated successfully and worked for 2 years as a chef, got tired of cooking, I dodged that career and went into studying computers, worked as a receptionist and studied Human resources at the same time and obtained a diploma. I worked for a courier company too. In 2012, I moved to South Africa, Cape Town when I got married, joined a Mobile Money company called Zoona with operations in Zambia, and I worked there for 5 years as a support agent. Zoona is an African fintech company founded in 2009 with the vision of helping communities thrive. Since launching, it created over 2,500 jobs in Zambia and Malawi, empowered over 1,000 entrepreneurs to start their own business and allowed them to reach earnings of over $10 million. I enjoyed working for this company because we really helped girl child prevail. Apart from the above, I am a lover of interior designing, and my wish is to have one of the most successful Interior business one day, through my passion for interior, I designed my sister’s Kitchen area, how amazing!!! I love cooking and baking (especially Cake pops), they are my favorites!!! I love adventure, gardening and working out too, I am a gym freak. Most importantly, I love spending time with my loved ones. I reflect a varied personality, including ambition, and the qualities of generosity and thoughtfulness. I am also a well determined and vigorous individual, and yet calm. I encourage fighting for what you desire and believe in and doing it through God because nothing great comes easy. I believe mindfulness in the workplace is key to success. Having worked in Customer care I have gained extensive experience in; Empathy, Adaptability, Ability to Use Positive Language, Clear Communication Skills, Self-Control, Taking Responsibility and Patience.
Die Energie für Morgen. JETZT! Dieser Kernsatz hat für unser Unternehmen zentrale Bedeutung. Wir wissen: Die Energiewende – die unverzügliche und vollständige Umstellung der fossilen Energieerzeugung auf eine CO2-neutrale Energiewirtschaft – ist unvermeidbar, wenn wir die Lebensgrundlagen für zukünftige Generationen sicherstellen wollen. Mit unseren Produkten und Dienstleistungen auf dem Sektor der Erneuerbaren Energien ermöglichen wir Bürgern – egal ob Privatpersonen oder Gewerbetreibenden – die Teilhabe an ebenso ausgereiften wie profitablen Lösungen für die regenerative Energiegewinnung. Dafür stehen wir. Und dafür stehen wir ein. Für unsere Kunden – egal ob Privatpersonen, Bürgergesellschaften, Energiegenossenschaften oder Landwirte und Gewerbebetriebe – sind wir ein erfahrener Partner, der ein EE-Projekt sicher und zuverlässig beherrscht. Wir stehen als Rat- und Impulsgeber bereit, der stets über Änderungen von regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen informiert ist und die daraus resultierenden wirtschaftlichen Potentiale nutzbar macht. Wir streben eine langfristig erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Partnern an, die auf gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung fußt und sich auf die Überzeugung stützt, dass nachhaltig erfolgreiche Projekte dringend nötig sind, um die Energiewende herbeizuführen. Dafür stehen wir. Und dafür stehen wir ein. Für unsere Kunden – egal ob Privatpersonen, Bürgergesellschaften, Energiegenossenschaften oder Landwirte und Gewerbebetriebe – sind wir ein erfahrener Partner, der ein EE-Projekt sicher und zuverlässig beherrscht. Wir stehen als Rat- und Impulsgeber bereit, der stets über Änderungen von regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen informiert ist und die daraus resultierenden wirtschaftlichen Potentiale nutzbar macht. Wir streben eine langfristig erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Partnern an, die auf gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung fußt und sich auf die Überzeugung stützt, dass nachhaltig erfolgreiche Projekte dringend nötig sind, um die Energiewende herbeizuführen. The energy for tomorrow. NOW! This core sentence is of central importance for our company. We know: The energy turnaround – the immediate and complete conversion of fossil energy production to a CO 2 -neutral energy industry – is unavoidable if we want to secure the basis of life for future generations. With our products and services in the renewable energy sector, we enable citizens – regardless of whether they are private individuals or traders – to participate in solutions for regenerative energy generation that are as mature as they are profitable. For our customers - regardless of whether they are private individuals, civil society, energy cooperatives or farmers and commercial enterprises - we are an experienced partner who can handle an EE project safely and reliably. We are available as advisors and initiators who are always informed about changes in the regulatory framework and make use of the resulting economic potential. We strive for long-term, successful cooperation with customers and partners that is based on social responsibility and the conviction that sustainably successful projects are urgently needed to bring about the energy transition. The idea that drives us is a life in balance with natural resources and a CO 2 -neutral economy in which everyone uses only renewable energy. We see our mission in promoting the energy transition effectively and profitably for everyone, and we provide interested citizens with a sophisticated range of services. Your advantage: Our experience and our competence. We are proud of what we have achieved since our inception in 1995. Right from the start, we design citizen-oriented RE projects and drive the energy transition forward. Our projects are well-planned, seriously calculated and designed with foresight. Projects that we tackle have high chances of being implemented because we have learned what is important. In technical, commercial and legal terms. We behave prudently and risk-aware. Only after a comprehensive analysis do we give the "go" for a project. For example, in the case of upcoming roof renovations, we meticulously determine all risk factors that could impair the operation of a PV system on this roof in the long term. Our "healthy" self-interest is always to consistently lead projects to success. Also because we are involved in numerous projects ourselves. We think through projects in every phase and have all the necessary professional resources in our company to master technical and planning challenges without conflicts of interest.
I have four passions in life. My sport, family, work and God. Each I pursue with dogged determination to be better and to excel. The greatest blessing and experience in life is the privilege of life is having a loving and supporting wife and incredible children. My relationship with each of them is treasured above all. I am blessed in that I am healthy, enjoy the blessing of life and am extremely active. I am thrilled to be able to compete on the international stage for home and country. Success therein is just a cherry on top. Career and work has been an incredible experience. Knowing what I wanted to be early in high school and achieving such has brought about economic emancipation and a lifestyle I could only dream about as a little boy. I bask in the success and abilities given to me and the blessing poured out in great abundance.
Fab Lab Barcelona was the first Fab Lab funded in the European Union in 2007 and is a benchmark in the powerful network of over 1800 Fab Labs in over 100 countries. We produce world-leading research and innovation based around the digital fabrication laboratory which is located at our heart. The Fab Lab Barcelona building, which was a former ceramics factory, is a laboratory for ideas. They use their digital fabrication facilities to prototype, fabricate and test these ideas in the real world as research, education and innovation. Including 18 European Research projects since 2014. They are a world leader of programs for the future of education. Fab Lab Barcelona was one of the first locations of the global distributed education program, Fab Academy. The global program of 65 locations is now coordinated from Fab Lab Barcelona. In 2018, The Master of Design for Emergent Futures was launched by IAAC and ELISAVA, co-directed and curated by Fab Lab Barcelona. As part of the transition into Industry 4.0 and leading the Fab City initiative, Fab Lab Barcelona focuses on the human-scale and the everyday experience; identifying opportunities in rising trends across seven strategic areas of expertise. El Fab Lab Barcelona es un centro de producción e investigación en tecnologías avanzadas de fabricación digital, y sus aplicaciones en ámbitos del diseño, la arquitectura, la computación física y la sostenibilidad, para la intervención en la realidad física y digital. Ubicado en el Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña (IAAC) en la ciudad de Barcelona, el Fab Lab sirve como plataforma tecnológica para diferentes programas educativos y de investigación que impulsa el IAAC, conjuntamente con otras instituciones a nivel mundial como el Centro de Bits y Atomos del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Dentro del Fab Lab Bcn se aplican tecnologías avanzadas de producción y fabricación en proyectos de investigación y desarrollo. Además, ofrece programas educativos propios que permitan a estudiantes, profesionales y publico en general, obtener instrucción en el uso y aplicación de la fabricación digital a nivel local. El Fab Lab Barcelona quiere convertirse en un centro de fabricación local, donde el usuario o consumidor pueda ser productor de sus propios diseños y objetos.
I'm the family person, hard-working woman, a mom of a handsome boy, adventures and a God fearing woman. I worked at the Department of Health as an Administration Clerk for 5 years. We've opened an N.P.O Youth Initiative. We are developing youth in programs such as soccer, reading and our culture. We conduct awareness campaigns about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. We facilitate the formation of support groups. And I have passion in farming. We started poultry farming and rabbits and we are selling the eggs in our community. I've done short course in Financial Management at University of Forte at PFMA.
We are a renewable energy company that takes tangible action to create a world that runs entirely on green energy. Climate change is a reality, and it’s rapidly changing the conditions of life on Earth. To protect our shared home, we need to become better at powering it with green energy. Our aim is to develop and deploy market leading green energy solutions that benefit the planet and our customers alike, further driving down the cost of green energy. By deploying renewable energy resources at scale, we want to revolutionise the way we power people and reduce the effects of climate change. Our vision is clear: Let’s create a world that runs entirely on green energy. Over the past 30 years we have established our company as a global leader in offshore wind with a 25 per cent market share. We develop, construct and operate offshore wind farms in Europe, the US and Asia, and have built enough offshore wind to power 9.5 million people. By 2025, our ambition is to power 30 million people with offshore wind. The UK is our biggest market, with twelve offshore wind farms already in operation. We have invested over £13 billion in the construction of new wind farms in the UK and anticipate spending the same again over the next decade. We are committed to ensuring that our presence contributes to sustainable growth and development, helping to support UK net-zero targets and benefit the communities in which we operate. We are also helping to support a growing UK supply chain. In the past five years alone, we have placed major contracts with nearly 100 UK suppliers. In addition to offshore wind, we have UK projects in onshore wind located in Scotland, renewable hydrogen – also known as green hydrogen – which will play a vital role in decarbonising industry and transport, energy storage from renewable sources and Renescience, an innovative bioenergy technology that converts unsorted household waste to energy using an enzyme treatment process.
ConnectGen is developing renewable energy and energy storage projects across North America. As our existing infrastructure ages, it is vital to tap into our country’s endless resources and develop projects that will provide long-term, cost-effective, clean energy solutions. As our existing infrastructure ages, it is vital to tap into our country’s endless resources and develop projects that will provide long-term, cost-effective, clean energy solutions. Our mission is to build clean electricity generation and storage infrastructure to enable a sustainable energy future. Successful project development requires substantial and widespread participation from a diverse group of entities and stakeholders. ConnectGen strives to establish and maintain close relationships with landowners, communities, local and state officials, customers and suppliers and deeply values stakeholder input and involvement. At ConnectGen, we take our commitment to bettering America’s energy future seriously. ConnectGen used green building principles when designing its office space, which is LEED Gold certified by the US Green Building Council. In addition, the ConnectGen office space is located in a building which itself is LEED Gold Certified.
Born in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and I am currently living in South Africa at Cape Town for seven years. I am single from now and busy shaping my programming skills and IT knowledge at Cape Peninsula university of technology (CPUT). I am a software developer, I am always keen to discover and learn about new technology and invention in IT world, I have a good understanding of programming languages, internet cloud services and Desktop support CompTIA A+. I am a self-motivated person, reliable, determined, very skilful in communication, fast learner with an open mind to expose myself into new world and concept. Live is a journey about challenges and discovering that’s why I am always ready to face new challenge in technology and software world. I really like to play guitar and read books about science and others because knowledge for me is one of the keys to open doors, make a difference and discovering new area in live.
My name is Noxolo Femele and I'm 42 years of age and I have 2 kids both are girls age 17 and 13. I worked for 43 Air School as a Receptionist for the past 5 year and while I was there I used to help out at the Admin area and at the Marketing department, and that had lead me on having the ambition to become 1 of the Managers but unfortunately we got retrenched. And I moved to work at Lendcor group as a Sales consultant for 1 year 6 months same we got retrenched. That's where I decided to start my small business just to put food on the table until now but things are not doing well due to covid19.
I am a God fearing individual, and I’m also a father to two beautiful kids, a boy and a girl. I worked for Tekkie Town as a Sales Assistant, and I was chosen as the best Sales person for the entire Mpumalanga province. I also worked for the Department of agriculture as a Data capture. I have a passion for sports, football is one of my favourites and one day I wish I can own a soccer team. While I was in high school, I always wanted to be a lawyer, but due to financial constraints, I could not become one. My interest in the justice system came when I realised that the late former president Mr Nelson Mandela was also a lawyer representing his people. I wish one day I could give back to my community and its people because my community gave us the likes of the late Steve Bantu Biko, one of the BCM Members who fought for the people of South Africa. My community is one of the underdeveloped communities of this country, but I know that one day all of this will change because I know that with education anything is possible. When a child is educated, communities will change for the better and if one community changes, then our country will change for the better as well and poverty will be no more. Education topped with one’s perseverance is the key to a bright future for all. With this pandemic people have lost their jobs and in some households you find that no one is working and people resort to drugs and alcohol, some get depressed to a point of taking their own lives. If we can start developing jobs for people, our continent would become a better place for us all. Being part of an initiative that supports the empowerment of those less privileged is one of my greatest wishes. I will be glad if all my wishes do come through because nothing is as important as education and hard work, and an educated country means a better world for us all.
I am Elnet Girly Ndlovu. I am 29 years old. I was born and raised in Mpumalanga, South Africa. I graduated from high school in the year 2012 and am currently studying for a higher certificate in economics and management sciences through the university of South Africa. I have also obtained a certificate in business administration and Computer literacy, of which I seek to study further to do entrepreneurship. I began my career as a customer service representative in 2014. Naturally, I have a growth mindset that enables me to grow and to help me by learning from mistakes to improve myself continually. I am kind, loving, caring and a person who is full of empathy often. I am a go-getter, positive, bubbly person who loves a positive fun filled environment. I am self-motivated and also enjoy motivating my team members. I work well in a team or individually. I am passionate about education, uplifting others, entrepreneurship and making a better society for the future generation to come while walking the journey of self-discovery I have more than four years experience in customer service and administration combined with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Administrative Assistance, Meeting Scheduling, Executive Support. I have excellent interpersonal skills, I am also a fast learner and adapt quickly to a new environment My hobbies are reading books, listening to music, walking and learning new things.
I’m Toni-Leigh, born and bred in the Mother City of Cape Town. My fiancé and I, are parents to a lively 2-year old girl who arrived 5 years after losing our 3-year old son to a rare genetic disease. I love learning new things. Growing up, I was a voracious reader, reading anything and everything (even the classifieds and property ads) and with the advancement of technology over the years, I can have information at the tip of my fingers, so I’m always eager to learn new things and I’m a fast learner. I’ve always had an interest in Information Technology and was the go-to person in my office before my colleagues would go to the IT office, and now I’m looking into further studies so that I can develop my knowledge and skills. In 2005 I graduated from Varsity College with a Diploma in Travel and Tourism with aspirations of travelling worldwide in my profession. Things didn’t quite work out that way, having worked in retail and a company assisting young people to live and work in the UK. In the last decade or so, I’ve been in the tourism industry behind the scenes, working for an online holiday accommodation booking agency and more recently a company that does tours and safaris in Southern Africa. I also do freelance work remotely, such as, captioning for a speech-to-text service and social media evaluation. I am an introvert but enjoy working with and being in the company of others, while also enjoying being on my own. In the past I used to view being an introvert as a weakness because those higher up in the ranks of the companies I worked for were extroverted but in recent times I realised how much of a strength it is being an introvert as I also have a strong sense of empathy, which I believe is key in Customer Service and building interpersonal relationships with colleagues and clients. I’m passionate about customer service and going the extra mile and l love that feeling of knowing that I’ve made a difference in someone’s day whether big or small. People tend to describe me as hardworking, punctual, efficient, dependable and trustworthy. Covid-19 affected the tourism industry drastically, however, I still want to travel anywhere I can, just soaking up the different cultures and experiences. The last year has been both challenging and rewarding and it has made me see things in a different light and so it has been somewhat of a new beginning for me. I am motivated now more than ever to seek out new passions and adventures and to get out of my comfort zone.
Wamkelekile (‘Welcome’ in isiXhosa) to one and all! My name is Iman Martin – ‘Iman’ having both Arabic and African meanings for ‘faith’. Just like my name, I come from a multicultural background: my mom has Indian and Malaysian origins, while my dad is from the Griqua people/clan in South Africa. In the same vein, I am a Muslim and have Christian relatives with who I am very close. It is because of my diverse background that I feel I was raised to be both tolerant and respectful towards those that are of a different culture, religion, or ethnicity. Cape Town has been the only home I know, and I’ve never ventured far out of it. I do however envision myself travelling to different parts of the world a few years from now. I am passionate about women’s empowerment and women having the choice to choose for themselves! I have recently graduated from the University of Cape Town, with a Bachelor of Social Work (Psychology Major) and placed on the Dean’s Merit List, awarded for consistent academic achievement. Through hard work and perseverance, I was fortunate to have received a scholarship from the Department of Social Development for three of my four years of study. My mini-thesis explored the experiences and challenges of 1st-year students at UCT adjusting to university. Studying social work has not only allowed me to better understand those around me and their thought processes but also, to better understand myself and the possible reasons why I am the way I am. As part of my course requirements, I had to complete field practicals – by putting the theory that I was learning in class to practice in a real-world environment. My field practice experience ranged along a spectrum: from providing social work services to underprivileged youth in a primary school in Bonteheuwel, to interning in the more affluent area of Upper Wynberg, at an international school. This experience further fostered my innate empathy and non-judgemental outlook for those around me. I am someone who is not afraid to get my hands dirty, work hard and help out where I can: currently job hunting, I have occasionally been helping my father with renovations to his property that include painting, plastering, applying putty, etc. This has taught me many practical things that I hope to apply when I own my own house one day. A few months before now, I worked as a Personal Assistant to a therapist and social worker. This was a remote job that taught me valuable organisation and time-management skills. In my early years of study, I found myself working a sales assistant job at the Robben Island Museum Gateway store, and found that my favourite part of the job was interacting with the different tourists that happened upon our humble store and hearing their stories – where they were from and why they decided to visit SA, etc. I love reading, and since a young age, I’ve been considered a bookworm. I mainly enjoy supernatural and sci-fi novels and webcomics, as well as other forms of content such as newspaper and magazine articles (need to know what’s happening in the world around me). English was also my favourite subject at school, and I think this was also encouraged by my English-teacher mother who was quick to correct any incorrect grammar and pronunciation when my siblings and I spoke incorrectly. I often assisted her in marking her learners’ English examination scripts and as a result, am quick to pick up on spelling or grammatical errors. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, long walks with my dog Ninja, and photography. This has led me to submit a piece that is currently being exhibited at the Zeits Mocca Art Museum, in their long-running ‘Home is Where The Art Is’ exhibition. Furthermore, my faith has given me strength through the darkest times and taught me to be tolerant and understanding of those around me. I am still very much figuring life and myself out as I go along and am always open to learning from those around me.
“Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” A Japanese proverb close to my heart. It has helped me persevere in so many situations in life and those situations have molded me into the woman I am today. Here’s a brief introduction to who I am. I am a new mommy to an adorable baby boy. A jack of all trades. I’m an artist at heart, fitness enthusiast, avid reader, and quite academic. I was born on the 9th of August in the year 1996 in Elim, a small village in the Limpopo Province. I grew up in Johannesburg and later moved to Pretoria in 2006 when I was in Grade 4, where I completed the rest of my school career. I have always been one to participate in almost every extra-mural activity since my primary school years, I played softball, hockey, and cricket. I took part in cross-country and district athletics to name a few. My love for sports made me gravitate towards what I currently do part-time, I train on a regular basis, and I am a wellness coach and a distributor for a prominent nutrition brand. A large part of what I do involves helping people correct their nutrition and learn more about the benefits of healthy eating so that they can lead a healthier lifestyle and feel great while they are at it. I have been involved in various projects that involved giving back to those in need. I have been involved with an initiative called Feed a Homeless Homie, where we made food for the homeless and distributed it at least one weekend a month, I also helped a friend of mine with a pads drive for less fortunate girls, I also give clothes to homeless shelters for women and children whenever I can and I worked with an NGO known as Keep That Gold Shining (KTG) where we tutored young kids in high schools in the townships. I am a philanthropist at heart and believe that even the smallest contribution goes a long way. As mentioned I am also an artist, mostly self-taught. I do painting on commission as well as pencil sketching. I do not have a specific style as yet but most of my work features women from different walks of life. I would like to collaborate with more artists in the future and have exhibitions. I try to read at least one book a month. My favorite writers have always been James Patterson and Dan Brown however I recently branched out to other genres besides suspense and thrillers. Some of my latest reads are: • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki • Atomic Habits by James Clear • The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho • Half of a yellow sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie • No Longer At Ease by Chinua Achebe I can speak at least 6 of the 11 official languages, I am fairly tech-savvy. I am a quick learner, always willing to pick up a new skill. Life has thrown several curve balls at me and I never backed down. I strongly believe in working hard and not giving up on anything I do. My name means ‘Be Strong’, that is who I am!
Rome wasn't built in a day. I’m of a very friendly nature and love to be with people who aren’t selfish. I am ambitious and will do anything to achieve my aim - "The Universe applauds action not thought" I’m of a very adventurous nature and love to find good in everything I see. There are many things that make us depressed or upset, but that doesn’t mean that we stop living. You dust yourself off, honor the difficult times for the lesson it taught you, and walk away stronger and wiser. Independence and confidence were key in my life from a young age with venturing to the UK straight after school, and eventually ending up in Cape Town as my dream destination to live a happy balanced life where beautiful sunsets are part of your everyday life, and reminds you that dreams do come true. My professional life started as a labourer painting parks in the dire UK winter weather to Insurance consultant for a huge corporate company. Getting to know me over time it became clear that I adapt quickly and take pride in everything I do as I strive to leave everything and everyone better than you found them. Covid19 and the drastic changes that came with it has been the most challenging and rewarding time of my life. With a system that failed us all in so many ways, living a financially stable life is nearly impossible but forced me to get grounded with nature and realize that the best things in life are truly free. My senses for nature, animals, and my overall humility enhanced drastically. We are all just reminded once again that nothing ever goes as planned and that losing everything including your mind might be necessary to make you realize what a strong, resilient, and galactic species we truly are. Realizing this, I am now more than ever ready to spread love and kindness whilst challenging myself with new adventures that push me out of my comfort zone. There is no other time than the present that truly matters. And in this moment I am excited to change my reality and the lives of those around me.
Greetings to one and all. My name is Edith, I am a child of the universe and I want to share that every day is a beautiful day. True, our emotions fluctuate but at some point during each day we will recognise that the day is a gift we have received and if we be true to ourselves this will bring a smile and with it feel good energy. We should take this feel good energy and build on it so that each day it comes easier and earlier and like a muscle it will grow, become more evident and gather momentum and we will feel better for it. I believe in kindness and forgiveness towards others and myself. In a couple of months I will begin the first year of my sixth decade on planet Earth. Twenty years ago I was facing a life threatening illness and not doing too well, I am a miracle. I believe we are all miracles. Some would differ it can be a topic for discussion. I am a widow and live with and take care of my 87 year old mother and 7 year old granddaughter to whom I am foster mother. Thankfully both are well. We live in a truly beautiful spot, the Deep South, Cape Peninsula, CT, South Africa, blessed in many ways I have much wonder and appreciation for this. I was born in Cape Town, grew up and completed my education in the best place in the world to have grown up at that time, yes! Zambia in the sun. I have very fond memories of my formative years in Zambia and still consider myself Zambian. It is the national anthem I sang as a child and I loved the then president, KK, Kenneth Kaunda. I returned to South Africa in 1980 to attend college and begin my independent years and in 1982 I moved to the newly independent Zimbabwe where I spent the next 21 years before returning to my roots in 2003. I have extensive administrative experience - getting things organised, getting things done. With a stable track record, I am able to diversify within different industries. As part of a team I have a strong focus to resolve challenges and enjoy leaving any tasks I am busy with in a user friendly state (do unto others). I pride myself on my attention to detail & due diligence, going the extra mile in terms of improved efficiency and cost effectiveness. I did a one year secretarial course in 1980 and my working life began from there. Living and learning life then became what I did, marriage, babies, etc. I guess I was lazy to further my qualifications, in hindsight I think I would have made a damn good surgeon LOL. Seriously, I have good eye, hand coordination, a good touch, and, consciously, I have become better at threading the needle. I believe strongly in being true to and honest with myself and I think I was then because family means more to me than a career. And now, I am ready to start that next chapter in my career. I am blessed. I have over the years done various short courses including a deep tissue massage course so I am a certified masseuse however I only massage family and friends as I am no longer physically (strength and stamina) up to doing a job I am comfortable to charge for. Thought that was worth mentioning as it brings me pleasure to help others breathe and take time out. I have always worked in administrative support positions from Girl Friday to Executive PA and everything in between and in many different industries. My last couple of jobs have been from home (virtual) and in a new field namely customer service. This shift was challenging and I am proud to say I managed it pretty well. Working from home is what is necessary at this time given my current living circumstances. This change and the challenge that came with it reminded me that I have strong determination which is a very good thing. I am concerned for my granddaughter’s generation and what life will be like for them as adults, especially the environment they will find themselves in physically, mentally, emotionally. I would love to become more knowledgeable and active in the conservation of water, a precious natural resource that as long as it comes out of the tap when we open the tap many do not really appreciate just how precious it is and therefore the need to respect and conserve it. And, I would love to see the curricula in our educational systems adapting to educating our children to be more self-aware, mindful and able to guide their minds when it comes to EQ. Easy does it.
Hello, I’m Deborah! I was born in Congo RDC and came to Cape Town South Africa in October 2012 to study at university. I have a National diploma in Financial accounting and a diploma in Financial information system. I am an ambitious young lady and I love to be surrounded by positive people. I’m a dedicated and conscientious team player with the ability to provide support and advice to people, customers, or co-workers and make a difference. I am organized, responsible, very loyal, focused and I can have the work done on time and meet deadlines. While doing my National diploma I was also working as a part time customer service sales representative. I became full time agent right after I graduated at university. I am a customer relation professional with more that six years of experience in customer service work, inbound and outbound calls, emails and social media. I have excellent verbal skills with the ability to communicate my thoughts and information in a clear and easy to understand manner. I am confident that the experience, the capabilities I have make me ready for any opportunity. I speak French, English, Swahili, and Lingala I love singing and dancing, reading, and my favorites animals are dogs and cats. Looking forward to be part of Zagenie family! Thank you!
Live and love as if there is no tomorrow! Hi, my name is Emmerentia. I was born in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa, in the ‘60’s, which means that I'm an original, retro hippie chick at heart with the good, old-fashioned values to back it up. The highs and lows I’ve dealt with in life have taught me a valuable lesson…time is not guaranteed and is therefore not to be lost. I am enjoying my journey, still learning new life lessons and growing to become the person I am meant to be. I must pay tribute to the University of Experience and the School of Hard Knocks for the valuable contributions you have made to my life path thus far. Stronger. Wiser. Blessed. My passion is to help others to reach their full potential. It is even more difficult to do that in one’s own life (it’s so easy giving advice to others, isn’t it?) but making a direct contribution or figuratively planting a seed and watching it take root in someone else’s life is deeply rewarding. We are on this planet to live good lives and to make a positive difference to our direct environment, wherever our feet may fall. Aim for the stars; never forget your roots. Be yourself, stay humble, be kind, be grateful, make love an action…not a word. My mission is to help people from all walks of life, gain financial independence, while caring for the world around us. Learn how to earn. Make sure you have a meal, an income, clothes, a home and good health. There is no planet B. I’m a big fan of renewable resources, organic gardens and farming and hugging a tree. Helping our paw-legged friends in shelters, finding furever homes much faster. Same for birds, horses, donkeys, circus prisoners and liberating zoos. I am an excellent chef in my kitchen 😊 and I love baking (to put it mildly). My cakes and tarts are wickedly good and not being gluten intolerant is still my highlight of the previous decade! My downtime is spent walking, jogging, going to the beach, horse riding and playing golf. With over 38 years’ combined experience, accumulated by time spent in the corporate world and having 3 businesses over the years, I have a wealth of experience to share and utilize. Words, in a personal bio, aren't plentiful. Not to me, at least. I feel that the chances of someone reading about what your opinion is of yourself and BELIEVING it is remote. The tough part is that you don't know me, nor I you, yet I'm trying to “convince” you that what I say is who I am as a person and that what I say is what it is. The eyes are windows to the soul…that isn't exactly happening here, and that sense cannot always be replaced through words alone. So, the moral of the story is that what I list below as my key character traits, strengths, weaknesses, achievements, experience, etc. is in reality simply just that. Traits: Dedicated, honest, loyal, trustworthy, tenacious, dependable, creative, methodical, sense of integrity, ethical, tough but fair, empathetic, lighthearted and friendly. Strengths: Comfortable in a team environment or working independently, management, skills utilization, delegation, human relations, conflict resolution, analysis, strategizing, implementation, problem solving, business administration. Weaknesses: Impatience, self-critique, injustice and rudeness stirs my temper, being micro-managed, cheesecake. Experience: Sales, sales management, customer relationship management, business administration, directorship and general management of 3 x businesses previously owned/co-owned. Summary: A self-starter who gets what's required done, pronto. I am self-motivated, enjoy new challenges and try my best to excel at what's before me. I love working with people, as this is simply my passion.